In & Out
Mobile App
Pool vehicles schedule management
Class Final Project

There are many challenges of managing a shared fleet: booking forms, missing keys, late returns, and double bookings. The process of reserving a car in companies that hold pool vehicles, can look like this:

The Goal
Help fleet managers automate fleet operations tasks and keep vehicles and equipment running smoothly.
Pain Points

“I find myself spending too much time on forms and files”

“I really have no way of verifying that the employees signed off on taking a car”

“The follow-up of the driver's licenses and the health declaration are manual”
The Solution

The purpose of the In & Out app is to facilitate the tasks and to increase the utilization of the existing fleet. It enables booking allocation via a common calendar, key management and more.
User Flow
I created a user flow that resembles a scenario in which the fleet manager is reported with a traffic ticket for a particular in the fleet. The ticket regards to a certain date and the fleet manager searches and tracks the designated driver with ease.

To understand my design direction I began laying out the user interface with quick wireframes.

Simple and elegant design, in order to allow non-technological people to find what they need easily

Organized information about the vehicles and drivers

SaaS solution
Full management platform for selling products both on marketplaces and independent online stores